Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SL802 - Dynamic change color on a row of grid, based on some cell value

Dynamic change color on a row of grid, based on some cell value

January 21st, 2010Leave a commentGo to comments

This is considered by some people as Holy Grail of Syteline Form Personalization.

Here is what we want to do.  In "Time Phased Inventory" form, we want to change the color to yellow for those rows that is PO.

First, we need to create a new form script method, called SetPOColor()

Sub SetPOColor()
Dim i as Integer
Dim j as Integer
Dim sReference As String
Dim sRef3 As String
Dim sRef4 As String
Dim oSupDem As IWSIDOCollection

oSupDem = ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetSubCollection("SLSupDems", -1)
j = oSupDem.GetNumEntries

'    MsgBox("j = " + CStr(j))

For i = 1 To j

sReference = ThisForm.Components("SLSupDemsGrid").GetGridValueByColumnName(i, "SLSupDemsReferenceSubGridCol")

sRef3 = Mid(sReference, 1, 3)
sRef4 = Mid(sReference, 1, 4)
If sRef3 = "PO " Or sRef4 = "XPO " Then
ThisForm.Components("SLSupDemsGrid").SetGridRowColColor(i, 0, "255,255,0″, "")
End If
Next i
End Sub

Secondly, we create a new event handler for event "StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted", to call the above form script method SetPOColor().

Done.  Now here we are:


SL802 Right Click Menu

Right Click Menu


Each component in Syteline form can have its own right click menu, and this right

Syteline screen shoot

click menu is customizable.

See the sample, the “Ship To” field has a standard right click menu, with “Add”, “Detail”, “Find” and “Help” menu items.

If you look into the component property of “Ship To” field, you can see the “Right Click Menu” property is blank.   But this property is inheriting from the component class: CustSeq.  In there, the right click menu defined to be StdDetailsAddFind.

There are list of the pre-exist right click menu you can use, such as “StdAddFind”, “StdHelp” and such.

You can also modify or create a new right click menu by go into the “Shortcut Menu Properties” dialog box.


Over there, you just need to define the “Menu Item/Caption” and the “Event to Generate” for each of this menu item.




SL802 - Assigning field value in a Syteline Form, based on another field value entered. (1)

Assigning field value in a Syteline Form, based on another field value entered. (1)


In Syteline form, quite often, you would need to assign some field value, base on another field value entered.

Business case:

Let say in Customer Order, for certain payment terms, you would not allow partial shipment.  So in the CO header form, when user select certain payment term, you want the system automatically uncheck the "Ship Partial" check box.

Syteline Technical Components:

Inline Script, Event Handler


In Syteline 7 & 8, there is quite a few differ ways to accomplish this.  The first one we are going to discuss here is to use Inline Script.

1)      In Customer Order Form, for form component: TermCodeEdit, add a data change event: TermChange.  And the event handler will call an Inline Script

2)      The Inline Script:

Option Explicit On

Option Strict On

Imports System

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports Mongoose.IDO.Protocol

Imports Mongoose.Scripting

Namespace SyteLine.GlobalScripts

Public Class EvHandler_TermChange_0

Inherits GlobalScript

Sub Main()

if ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetCurrentObjectProperty("TermsCode") = "128″ then

ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.SetCurrentObjectPropertyPlusModifyRefresh _

("ShipPartial", "0″)

end if

ReturnValue = "0″

End Sub

End Class

End Namespace

This script will assign the ShipPartial to 0, when user select TermsCode = 128.


Monday, September 13, 2010

SL8.02 Change the sorting in primary collection grid

Change the sorting in primary collection grid

Sep 13, 2010

The out of box Syteline missed some of the detail carelessly.  For example, the Grid view for RMA is sorted by RMA date ascending.  So it shows the oldest RMA up front and you are seeing those years old closed RMAs.

Syteline Application Case

Change the sorting of Grid view in RMA form, to show the latest RMA up front.

Syteline Technical Component

Form, Primary Collection, Collection Property

Customization Solution

This is pretty easy to change.  Go to Edit mod, in the form collection property, change the Order by to “RmaNum Desc”.  Done.

Syteline RMA